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Humanities at Scale (HaS) is a DARIA-EU project that received funding from the European’s Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement No 675570.


DARIAH is a pan-european infrastructure for arts and humanities scholars working with computational methods. It supports digital research as well as the teaching of digital research methods.

DARIAH is a network. It connects several hundreds of scholars and dozens of research facilities in currently 17 european countries, the DARIAH member countries. In addition DARIAH has several cooperating partner institutions in countries not being a member of DARIAH, and strong ties to many research projects across Europe. People in DARIAH provide digital tools and share data as well as know-how. They organize learning opportunities for digital research methods, like workshops and summer schools, and offer training materials for Digital Humanities.

The DARIAH community also works together in working groups, with subjects ranging from the assessment of digital tools to the development of standards and the long term accessibility of research materials. Their activities may vary but they all share one common goal: Providing services to scholars in the arts and humanities and therefore helping to do research at its best.

DARIAH is open to everyone. Whether you would like to participate in one of DARIAH’s working groups, work towards your country becoming a DARIAH partner, like to see your institution cooperate with DARIAH, or you are just looking for someone to share know-how and to support your research project, get in touch with us:

Humanities at Scale can be understood as an add set up to improve DARIAH in fostering new and sustaining existing knowledge in digitally enabled research in the arts and humanities. In order to achieve these goals HaS focuses on three main activities: growing the DARIAH community, developing core services and informing research communities.



Huma-Num is a Very Large Facility which aims to facilitate the digital turn in humanities and social sciences. To perform this mission, Huma-Num is built on an original organisation. It organises a collective dialogue with communities via consortia accredited by Huma-Num and provides a technological infrastructure on a national and European scale based on a vast network of partners and operators. Through consortia of actors in scientific communities, Huma-Num favors the coordination of the collective production of corpora of sources (scientific recommendations, technological best practices). It also provides research teams in the Human and Social sciences with a range of utilities to facilitate the processing, access, storage and interoperability of various types of digital data. This set of shared services comprises the provision of a Grid of services, a platform for the unified access to data (ISIDORE) and long-term archival facilities. Huma-Num also produces technical Guides to Good Practice for researchers, and can, on occasion, conduct expertise and training initiatives. Huma-Num coordinates the participation of France in DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities); Huma-Num is supported by the CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research), the University of Aix-Marseille and the Campus Condorcet.



OpenEdition is run by the Centre for open electronic publishing (Cléo – UMS 3287), a unit that brings together the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the université d’Aix-Marseille, the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and the Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse.

OpenEdition provides several important services for research communities for Open Access publishing: Books, Journals, Blogs and Events. The impressive catalogue gathers 2 850 books, 431 journals, 1 535 blogs and 32 181 events!


Charles University

Charles University in Prague, the oldest and largest university in the Czech Republic, will host the winter school.