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DARIAH Winter School “O​pen Data Citation for Social Science and Humanities”


The DARIAH Winter SchoolOpen Data Citation for Social Science and Humanities” is set to take place in Prague. It is organized as part of DARIAH’s Humanities at Scale project (HaS) and will explore and examine ongoing issues in scholarly publishing in the Digital Humanities.

The DARIAH Winter School will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, from the 24th to the 28th of October 2016. The event will be hosted by Charles University and is organized by DARIAH, as part of its Humanities at Scale project. It aims at gathering scholars, publishers, librarians and other stakeholders interested by the issues raised by Open Access and Open Data through the question of Open Data Citation.


Dates and Venue

24th to 28th of October, 2016
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic


Detailed description

The parallel development of Open Access publication and of the digital humanities has changed the practices and further redefined the challenges of an evolving publication regime in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The use of digital and online research methods continually enables new features, involves new interactions, and opens up new relations to text. Greater overlap between these two movements in the research context means that there are now myriad possibilities in terms of creating and disseminating texts: indexing, hypertext links, advanced searches, public annotations, commentaries, semantic linking and embedding, etc. are all now established methods and position research increasingly as an outward-facing exercise.

Regarding sources, the development of digital humanities during the past twenty years has increased the availability of research data in the humanities, in open access form, from a tremendous number of sources, in a broad heterogeneity of documents and formats: textual sources, qualitative and quantitative datasets, iconography, schemes, audio and video, etc. This permits the humanities and social sciences to be more and more involved in the Open Science movement experienced in other disciplines.

More generally, it is the very relation between research data and publication itself that modifies and constitutes an issue for the digital humanities, particularly through the question of data citation in the context of openness – how does one effectively cite data in the humanities for broad re-use and research impact?

The winter school will therefore address the issue of Open Data in digital humanities by systematically exploring the themes and practices underpinning data citation in the broader context of Open Science.

The winter school will be organized as 10 thematic half-days, both theoretical and pragmatic, including lectures, presentations and practical workshops about:

  •  Open Access & Open Edition
  •  The status of data in scientific publication, in social sciences and humanities
  •  Relationship between Data Management Plan (DMP) & research design
  •  Issues of persistent identification
  •  Open critical edition as missing link between Digital Humanities and Open Access
  •  Evaluation, acknowledgement & credit circulation
  •  EU policy on Open Access and Open Data (with Central European perspectives)
  •  Data journals & editorialisation of Open Data
  •  Economy of Open Access and Open Data publication
  •  Epistemology of data visualisation
  •  Societal impact of Open Science

We also plan to have five daily focus points about ground-breaking tools and technology.



DARIAH’s Humanities at Scale project will offer a grant program to 10 attendees to cover the costs of travel and accommodation by providing a per diem of 100€. Booking and travel will have to be handled by participants themselves.



Number of places: 20
Number of grants: 10
Deadline for applications: August, 14th, 2016.
Applicants notification & final program publication: September, 1st, 2016.

To apply, please submit the following in English to our online application form:

  • Curriculum Vitae including information about education, research projects and networks, awards and prizes, or other pertinent experiences.
  • A statement letter outlining your perspective and motivation to participate to the event. Please highlight relevant experience you have in interdisciplinary projects.



  • Professional diversity: We would like to create an exchange with perspectives from both junior and senior scholars, librarians, data managers, editors and publishers. Applicants with mixed technical skills and humanities or social sciences background are encouraged to apply. Enthusiast beginners and non digital humanities specialists are welcome.
  • A priority will be given to Central and Eastern European residents, but the Scientific Committee will consider all relevant applications.
  • We are strongly looking forward to constituting a gender-balanced group, so a special attention will be on this issue.


Selection Process

The selection will be done by the Scientific Committee and applicants will receive a notification by the 1st of September 2016. Applicants might be asked to clarify their statement before the final decision. The admission process for candidates will focus on the quality of their scientific or professional background as well as their interest in the fields of Open Access and Open Data. The Scientific Committee will notify the final decision by email and the selected applicants will then be announced in the official program and published on the winter school’s blog. Please note that all presentations will be in English.


Further Information

DARIAH-EU, the digital research infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities:
Winter school’s blog:
Application form:
Composition of the Scientific Committee:

