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Speaker presentation | Pierre Mounier

We have the pleasure to announce the presence of Pierre Mounier for Monday evening presentation and for the Winter School Session 08 Economy of open access & open data publication



Pierre Mounier is deputy director of OpenEdition, a comprehensive infrastructure based in France for open access publication and communication in the humanities and social sciences. OpenEdition offers several platforms for journals, scientific announcements, academic blogs, and, finally, books, in different languages and from different countries. Pierre teaches digital humanities at the EHESS in Paris. He has published several books about the social and political impact of ICT, digital publishing and digital humanities.


Monday presentation

OpenEdition: towards a European infrastructure for open access publication in humanities and social sciences

OpenEdition gathers four platforms for open access publications in humanities and social sciences : journals, books, scientific programs and academic blogs. Based in France, OpenEdition initiated specific programs in several European countries to be able to offer an international and multilingual infrastructure, currently disseminating online and open access more than half million academic documents coming from more than twenty countries in 14 languages. OpenEdition aims now at developing a distributed European wide infrastructure with 19 partners. Named OPERAS, this new initiative will foster cooperation at European scale and help humanities and social sciences join the common effort for the development of Open Science.



Session 08 Presentation

Economic models for Open Access publications

The development of open access in humanities and social sciences faces a major challenge: sustainability. Whereas in STM disciplines, the new dissemination paradigm means shifting from reader-pays model to author-pays model, the infamous “APC“, in humanities and social sciences that type of reconfiguration is simply not possible for many good reasons. Moreover, the dissemination of knowledge in those disciplines is mostly done through books and not solely in journals, which entails additional complications. Therefore, those who want to develop open access in SSH have to find their own solution, that fits with their specific ecosystem. Wether it be based on donations, grants, subscriptions, in kind contributions, crowdfunding or “freemium” model, the are many ongoing experimentations under development. A landscape of the different models and the main trends on the topic will be presented.


You can find the full Winter School bibliography on Zotero.

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Nathanaël Cretin (October 4, 2016). Speaker presentation | Pierre Mounier. Open Data Citation for Social Sciences and Humanities. Retrieved January 24, 2025 from

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